Get Started and Get Access to Portal Business

Get access to the business tools in Portal Business. Here's what you need to know about access & user accounts

My organization isn't a customer yet - How do we get started?

För att få tillgång till verktygen i Portal Business behöver din organisation ha ett kundavtal med PostNord. Alla avtalskunder får tillgång till Portal Business och kan sätta upp användarkonton med de åtkomster de behöver.

Hur man blir företagskund i Finland

För att bli företagskund måste ni skapa ett företagskonto nedan och välja faktura som betalningsmetod.

Att öppna ett företagskonto är gratis, vi debiterar dig endast för frakten du skickar, eller tjänster du registrerar dig för. För att öppna ett nytt kundkonto behöver du följande:

  • Var firmatecknare eller ha tillstånd från din firmatecknare att öppna kundavtal med PostNord.

  • Ditt organisationsnummer för företaget du vill registrera som kund.

I'm a manager, what can I do as a Company Administrator?

Your organization can have one or more company administrators. As a company admin, you can access all tools of Portal Business including Company Settings, Invoices and Contracts.

Company Admins also have access to user management, where you can invite colleagues to create Portal accounts with access only to the tools they need in their role. As a Company Admin you will also receive any requests to create a user account with your organization, so you can approve or deny that request.

If need an administrator account but don't have one, contact an existing administrator and ask them to invite you as an admin via the link below. If you don't know who your admins are, contact our customer service via the link at the bottom of this page.

I'm an employee, how do I get access?

If your organization is already a PostNord Business Customer, your Company Administrator will need to invite you to create a Portal account, or approve your request to join your organization's Portal Account.

To ensure your account gets the right access, we recommend asking your Company Admin to invite you (there's a link to the User section for them in the section above).

To request access from an admin, you need to enter the organization number of the organization you want to join, as part of the account creation flow linked below. Your Company admins will receive a notification about your request to join.